Yes. This is Part 3 of this Article. It means we have already done Part 1 and part 2 . You may click on the links in Part 1 and Part 2 to read if you want to go back to understand. The Marriage by Ordinance is what many people refer to as Church marriage or wedding. It is however not Church marriage as may people call it. It is the marriage by Ordinance. I prefer this English case law definition of an ordinance marriage which says: The voluntary union for life of one man and one woman to the exclusion of all others . Hyde vrs Hyde Woodmaansee Lord Penzance [ 1866] LR 1 P&D 130 Ordinance marriage is taken care of under part three of the marriages act, CAP 127. It is the only monogamous marriage recognized by law in Ghana. The parties to this marriage are not allowed to marry any other person. Even though both Islamic Marriage and Customary marriage can be converted into Ordinance marriage, the ordinance cannot be converted into customary o...
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